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Marketing Research for Raketa Hardcore Developers

Date: 2018

Client: Raketa Hardcore Developers

Duration: 4 months

Website: https://raketasoft.com/

Objective: Raketa, a software development team founded by former national retail chain IT professionals, aimed to establish a dedicated regional software development center for enterprises. The goal was to develop a strategic plan and initial steps to promote this new offering to potential clients.

Services Provided:

  • Presentation Development

  • Buyer Persona Creation

  • Market Research & Strategy

Overview: With expertise in IT outsourcing services, Raketa sought to leverage their experience by launching a regional software development center focused on enterprise solutions. Smartiee Agency collaborated with Raketa to define a clear market strategy and create targeted marketing materials to attract potential clients.


  • Developing a compelling client presentation and defining buyer personas to effectively communicate with decision-makers.

  • Identifying target industries and key decision-makers within enterprises for software development services.

Approach: Smartiee Agency worked closely with Raketa to address these challenges:

  • Conducting market research to identify target industries and gather insights into customer personas.

  • Creating a client presentation with a straightforward, factual approach that highlights Raketa's capabilities and aligns with the preferences of CIOs and procurement heads.

  • Developing buyer personas based on demographic data, pain points, service preferences, and media consumption habits to tailor marketing messages effectively.

Results: The collaboration resulted in:

  • A refined client presentation that emphasizes Raketa's technical expertise and service offerings, resonating with enterprise decision-makers.

  • Comprehensive buyer personas that guide marketing efforts towards targeted industries and decision-makers.

  • Recommendations for marketing strategies to promote Raketa's software development center, focusing on key advantages and digital channels.

Conclusion: Smartiee Agency's strategic approach enabled Raketa to establish a strong foundation for promoting their software development center effectively. By aligning messaging with client expectations and industry needs, Raketa is well-positioned to attract and engage prospective clients in Krasnodar, Moscow, and beyond.

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