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Brand Facelifting for SPEAKUS

Date: 2017


Objective: Enhance Visual Identity and Market Perception

Services Provided: Smartiee collaborated with SPEAKUS to conduct a comprehensive brand facelifting exercise, focusing on modernizing the company's visual identity to align with its new market positioning as a Virtual Remote Interpretation (VRI) platform. This included:

  • Customer survey to evaluate demand and satisfaction levels

  • Creation of a new corporate presentation and brand story

  • Development of brand guidelines, including color palette and typography

  • Design and launch of a bilingual landing page highlighting service features and benefits

  • Update of GDPR-compliant privacy policy and documentation

Challenges: The main challenge was to swiftly revamp SPEAKUS's brand identity to appeal to event managers and interpreters while adhering to strict GDPR regulations.

Outcome: The brand facelift resulted in a refreshed visual identity and an updated online presence, enabling SPEAKUS to effectively showcase its innovative VRI platform to a global audience.

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Marketing Research for Raketa Hardcore Developers