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Strategic Brand Development for Enforce Law Company

Date: 2018

Client: Enforce Law Company

Objective: Strategic Rebranding and Market Repositioning

Enforce Law Company, established by a core team from a split international legal firm in 2018, engaged Smartiee for strategic guidance amidst regulatory changes and reduced demand in international tax and business structuring services. The objective was to reposition the firm and identify new growth opportunities.

Services Provided:

  • Brand strategy development

  • Market research and analysis

  • Webinar hosting for industry stakeholders

  • Creation of buyer personas

  • Development of positioning strategy

Challenges: Enforce Law faced challenges in adapting to regulatory shifts and identifying viable growth strategies amidst declining demand in traditional service areas. The firm needed to establish a compelling brand identity and market position that resonated with corporate clients.

Approach: Smartiee conducted extensive market research and hosted a successful webinar attended by over 100 industry representatives to gather insights and validate potential growth areas such as corporate reporting, accounting services, and HR solutions. The brand strategy centered around positioning Enforce Law as a specialized legal boutique offering comprehensive solutions tailored for corporate needs.

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